7240 US Highway 301 S, Riverview FL  33569
ALR Rides & Events
Welcome to 
The American Legion
        Alafia Post 148

Watch your e-mails for any last minute rides and changes. If you have a biking event you’d like to invite others to join in, please e-mail the details and we’ll be happy to send it to the group.

Official Rides: These are the official ALR148 rides scheduled for this month. Official rides are those rides sanctioned by our executive board. These rides count toward getting and maintaining membership as a Legion Rider. All riders are encouraged to participate if possible. These rides will be lead by the Road Captain or one of the Assistant Road Captains. Official rides support our veterans and strengthen our position in the community.

Fun Rides: These are the currently planned fun rides, though more may come up at any time. Fun rides are not sanctioned by the executives, and your participation is optional. These rides may be organized and lead by anyone. Schedules and routes are subject to change, depending on the weather, the leader, and the whim of the group that’s riding. These typically focus on scenic backroads and good watering holes. In the event of a conflict between a fun ride and an official ride, the official ride takes precedence.

Flag Placement On Motorcycles

(From http://americanlegionriders.net/Flags.shtml)

US Flag Only: If only the US Flag is on your bike, it should either be at the center, or to its "marching right" - on the right side of the motorcycle to the rider's perspective when facing forward.

US Flag And One Other Flag Of Any Type: If the US Flag is on your bike with another, it should be to its "marching right" - on the right side of the motorcycle to the rider's perspective. If the other flag is that of another nation, it should be the same size and at the same height of the US Flag - NO flag should ever be displayed higher than the US Flag.

US Flag And More Than One Other Non-National Flag: If the US Flag is on your bike with several other non-national flags (POW/MIA, ALR, Eagles, Service Banners, etc.) , it should be at center and higher than any of the other flags.

US Flag And More Than One Flag Including Those Of Other Nations: If the US Flag is displayed on your bike with those of any other nation, the flags should be same size and at the same height, with the US Flag to marching right (right side of the vehicle), and others arranged in alphabetical order to the left. Other flags should be arranged in order of decreasing importance - Nations first, states (in order of admittance) and territories second, military third (in order of establishment), and then any others. Again, no flag should fly higher than the US Flag, but the US Flag should be no higher than that of any other nation’s displayed.
        7240 US Highway 301 S, Riverview FL  33569
        Phone: (813) 677-6529

If you have an idea for a ride, share it with Billy Bob or Steve. If your shy and don't want to approach them, you can write it down and drop it in the Rider's box in the Legion Office (Steve and Billy Bob don't bite though).

Ride Safe.

Just as a reminder you are FIRST a Member the American Legion Family of Alafia Post 148, so please attend the monthly meeting which applies to your membership:
  American Legion Post 148: 2nd Monday of each Month
  American Legion Auxiliary Unit 148: 3rd Thursday of each Month
  Sons of the American Legion Squadron 148: 2nd Thursday of each Month

Keep your eye on the new Facebook page and your email mid-week as an update to the ALR 148 Ride List may be made as necessary. If you would like to see an event or destination placed on the ALR 148 Ride List, please send an email with all details to include address and event flyer if possible to secretary.post148@gmail.com.

Always be mindful of MOTORCYCLE RIDING SAFETY FIRST! Stay well hydrated and wear sunscreen/lip balm while riding in the Florida Sunshine. Please begin every ride with your fuel tank filled prior to our KSU time. Always use proper motorcycle hand signals. 

Perform your T-CLOCS Inspection Checklist prior to departing home. 
T-CLOCS Inspection Checklist: http://www.msf-usa.org/downloads/t-clocs_inspection_checklist.pdf 